Desert Roof

Coachella Valley
Spray Foam Roofing Experts

Looking for a roofing solution that will protect your property from heat, wind, water, fire, and chemicals all day long? Spray foam roofs from Desert Roof Concepts can save energy, cool off your home or business, and lower your power bills. What’s more, a correctly applied foam roof may never have to be replaced as long as the coating is periodically reapplied.

Guard Against Leaks with Spray Form Roofing

Spray foam roofing has many things going for it aside from longevity, as it seals the roof against leaks.

When the material hardens, the roof is rigid enough to walk on.

Cool, Green Roofing

Since a foam roof doesn’t wear out so long as it is maintained, the roof is considered “green.” The coating needs to be reapplied at year 5 and then every 2 years after that, while touch-ups are required every five years. The recoats run about 25% of roof replacement, while touch-ups are a few dollars per square foot. Desert Roof Concepts can help you do the math that shows your savings for this trouble-free roofing material. Even when the roof needs attention, there is little waste as the old roof is never hauled off to the landfill.

The energy benefits of a spray foam roof are quite impressive, as they reduce heating and cooling costs by insulating the inside of a residential or commercial structure. This type of roofing works well with solar heating, which is very popular in California. The state is committed to having 60% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030, and there are state incentives plus a federal tax credit of 26% through December 2022 for installing solar panels.

Spray foam roofs work well with solar power apparatus as they do not add much weight to a rooftop already weighed down with solar equipment. The foam protects the panels and ductwork with a seamless protective layer that prevents leaks and air loss. The roof is sturdy enough to support technicians who service the equipment

Which Roofing Material Last The Longest?

Most homeowners who need a new roof want a durable material that will not break the budget. Installing a roof is a long-term investment that can last for decades, as this chart as the lifetime of roofing materials shows:

Composition Shingles: 12-20 years
Asphalt Shingles: 15-30 years
Wood Shingles: 20-25 years
Foam: 40-50 years
Rubber Roofs: 30-50 years
Metal Roofs: 50-75 years

Achieving the most extended life for your roof depends on correct installation, ongoing maintenance, and external factors such as weather. California heat and wind can do a number on your roof, but working with Desert Roof Concepts has you covered.

  • Our trained technicians are certified by many roofing material manufacturers to install the products using state-of-the-art techniques.

Contact Us Today

Want to learn more about spray foam roofing? Desert Roofing Concepts is experienced in providing this type of roof treatment and can answer all your questions. We are licensed, bonded, insured, and ready to work with your property representatives to provide the best roofing solution for you.

Contact Us Today and get a FREE Inspection